1. Change the “Wake” Word

Most of the time the Echo is in a sleep state, only turning on and actively listening whenever someone says the “wake” word, which is “Alexa.” When your Echo hears this “wake” word, Alexa springs to life and is ready to obey your commands.

But what happens when someone in your house is named Alexa or Alexis or Alex? Chances are the Echo will wake up and listen every time a variation of “Alexa” is uttered. To prevent this from happening, you’ll want to change the “Wake” word. To do so, jump into the Alexa app and select “Settings -> Select your Echo -> Wake Word” and pick a new word from the list like “Computer” or “Echo.”

2. Make Multiple Profiles

All users added to the Household Profile will now be able to collaborate on things like to-do lists and calendars. In addition, you can share content like music and books. To check which profile is currently being used, ask “Alexa, which profile is this?” To switch, simply say “Alexa, switch profiles.”

3. Traffic Details

With Alexa, there’s no need to wait for the local news to comment on the current traffic situation. Furthermore, Alexa can give you a personalized traffic report based on your preferred travel routes. To do so, you’ll first need to tell Alexa where you go and any stops you like to make on the way. Jump into the Alexa app and head to “Settings -> Traffic.”

You can enter specific addresses, like home, the office or where your kids go to school. In addition, you can add stops like your favorite coffee shop or the supermarket. Alexa will tailor the traffic information she passes on based on your entries. To ask Alexa for a traffic update, say “Alexa, how is traffic?” or “Alexa, what’s my commute?”

4. Sports Updates

If you’re a sports fan, you probably find it difficult to keep up on every game and still function like a normal adult. Fortunately, Alexa can help you stay on top of all the latest scores and team standings. Say “Alexa sports update,” and you’ll get a rundown of news for teams you have chosen. To choose which teams Alexa covers, head into the Alexa app and go to “Settings -> Sports update.” Here you will find the option to search for teams. Be aware, as not all sports are covered at this time.

5. Change the Default Music Provider