Here’s how:

  1. Install the WikiLook add-on for Firefox and be sure to restart your browser.
  2. While browsing the Web, use your preferred method of defining a word.

Hold down Shift while right-clicking a word Hold down Ctrl (or Command on Mac) while right clicking a word Hold down Alt (or Option on Mac) while right clicking a word Highlight a word, right-click on it, and select “WikiLook” from the menu

Note: You can enable/disable your preferred methods in WikiLook’s Options, which can be accessed from the Add-ons Manager in Firefox.

  1. Upon activating WikiLook, the definition of the word will display right on the page in a popup (as seen in the screenshot above). If you have the option enabled, you’ll also hear the word being pronounced on your computer. Now you can find out what any word means in a matter of seconds. If you want to turn WikiLook off, just click on the fancy green “A” icon on the Firefox Add-on Bar.