With the release of Microsoft Office 2010 in June, let us explore how you can use your Word 2010 as an offline blog editor. Note: Microsoft Office 2010 beta is available for free download and testing. 1. Open Word 2010. Click on File -> New -> Blog Post

  1. If this is the first time you are using it as a blog editor, it will prompt you to register your blog account.

  2. Choose your blog provider from the dropdown field. Word 2010 supports a variety of blog platforms, including WordPress, TypePad, Blogger, Windows Live Space, Sharepoint server etc.

  3. Enter your blog’s URL and login detail. If you are using WordPress, you will need to enable the XMLRC protocol in your Admin Settings.

  4. You will see a Warning prompt that your blog username and password is getting transmitted and could be visible to others. Click Yes to continue.

Once done, you will be able to use Word 2010 as a blog editor.

Word 2010 as compared to Windows Live Writer

Word 2010 is not meant to replace Windows Live Writer. At the moment, it can only serve as a simple blog editor and does not has the full functionality of WLW. It does not supports/allows:

the use of plugins viewing your post in HTML mode scheduling of posts tags

It does have cool features like:

the ribbon toolbar capture screenshots of existing open windows able to insert shapes, charts and word art a new feature known as Format painter that allows you to copy one formatting from one place to another

If you are looking for a powerful offline blog editor, WLW is the one to go for, but if you just want a simple editor to edit your posts and not be bothered with installing of extra software, Word 2010 will be able to do the job well. Have you used Word 2010 as a blog editor? Tell us how you feel.