Here’s How:

First you’ll download HTML Code Export. Once it’s been installed then you’ll open it up and you should arrive at screen just like the following: Now, let’s say we’d want to fix a few errors in an html document, we’ll start by opening up a file by going to Single File on the menu at the top or by pressing Shift+Ctrl+O on your keyboard. Next you need to press the Indent button at the top and this will automatically search for group errors and fix them. An example error that this app fixed within my html document was the indentation of the certain attributes and the rearrangement of tags that were placed in the wrong areas. Here you’ll clearly see the old un-edited html file on the left, and on the right you can see the new file with a few of the errors fixed: The last step involves previewing your html file online and making sure that everything’s in place.


There are several other functions HTML Code Export can do besides what was shown above. You can open up multiple files and work on them all at once or you can set your own preferences so that this app can cooperate with you on whatever project you may be working on. Bottom line, HTML Code Export is a powerful app that cleans up your codes and allows you to have full control of your html files.