This makes fighting malware very important. Everyone seems to have their own opinion on the best way to fight it, so we asked our writers, “What are your best tips for fighting malware?

Our Best Tips

All of our writers agree that the best way to fight malware is to browse safely. This means not clicking suspicious links and not downloading files from less-than-reputable sources.

Mahesh suggests that if a file gets downloaded automatically, delete it right away without opening it. Along with making sure that you only download from trusted sources, he also suggests only downloading from app stores or the official websites of apps and tools. Robert suggests always doing your research before downloading to find the best/safest programs. Simon and Christopher both suggest using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to clear your PC of malware. It’s free and useful for removing the malware that has accumulated or to get rid of a malware problem on an infected PC. With malicious ads being a fairly common form of infection, Christopher recommends installing an adblocker to both close that vector of attack and also improve your usage experience. Just be sure to whitelist trusted websites, such as Make Tech Easier, so that they can still make their ad revenue. He also feels it’s a good idea to install a proper antivirus program. Derrik suggests avoiding at least half of your risks by just using Linux.

What Do You Suggest?

These are some great tips from our writers. Are your already following these tips to protest yourself from malware or do you know of some tips that you feel should have been mentioned? Join the discussion in the comments section below!